AICT2009 Conference Opening Ceremony...

aict2010 opening ceremony aict2010 opening ceremony presidium aict2010 opening ceremony hain hall participants aict2010 opening ceremony presidium

Some of AICT2010 Opening speekers, Keynotes, Tutorials, Panels, Sessions ...

aict2010 welcome speech mukhitdinov aict2010 welcome speech alexander khoroshilov aict2010 welcome speech oguz memiguven ucell president
aict2010 keynote speech ali kuralkan regional director of cisco aict2010 keynote speech jean gabriel remy, post director of IEEE region 8 aict2010 unesco alexander khoroshilov aict2010 welcome speech microsoft

AICT2010 Conference sessions and meetings ...

aict2010 session, general chair of conference abzetdin adamov at the center aict2010 session, general chair of conference adamov
aict2010 adamov making speech on university management system
aict2010 keynote, ali kuralkan regional director of cisco aict2010 jean gabriel remy post director of ieee region 8 and abzetdin adamov conference general chair, cio at qafqaz university aict2010 session ahmet sanic rector aict2010 oleg makarevich tsure and abzetdin adamov conference general chair

Photos from AICT2010 Conference Banquet Dinner and Cultural Program...

aict2010 banquet rustam abdurakhmanov nargiza usmanova
aict2010 samarkand amir timur mausoleum

AICT2010 Conference closing ceremony

aict2010 conference closing speech by general chair dr. abzetdin adamov aict2010 memorandum of understanding has been signed between qafqaz university and tashkent university of information technologies

The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT2010
Открытый каталог научных конференций