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The 13th IEEE International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies 23-25 Oct 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan
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AICT2017 International Conference, Moscow, Russia, 20-22 Sptember 2017
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Tutorial Session by Distinguished Speaker
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Woman in Science and Tech
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AICT2017 Distinguished Participants
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AICT2015 - Opening Ceremony, Rector of Southern Federal University, Marina Borovskaya
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AICT2017 Distinguished Participants

The 13th IEEE International Conference on
Application of Information and Communication Technologies


Azerbaijan, Baku, 23-25 October 2019


AICT2019 International Conference at the ADA University

AICT2019 International Conference at the ADA University



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About AICT2019 Conference:

AICT2019 AICT2019

Our Spleakers:

Professor Witold Pedrycz,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

SPEECH: "Granular Artificial Intelligence: A New Avenue of Artificial Intelligence for Modeling Environment"

Professor Morteza Gharib,
California Institute of Technology, US

SPEECH: "Advanced Wireless Healthcare and Monitoring Systems"

Professor Hagit Messer,
Tel Aviv University, Israel

SPEECH: "From Communication Wireless Networks to the Garden Hose: Advances in Opportunistic Weather Monitoring"

Professor Rafik Aliyev,
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan

SPEECH: "Extension of Fuzzy Set: Z-sets"


On behalf of the Steering Committee, we welcome you to the 13th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2019) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 23, 24 and 25th of October 2019. The AICT2019 International Conference will build on the success of the previous conferences, which were held in Astana, Baku, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow.

The AICT2019 is co-organized by the ADA University, Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, University Malaysia Sabah with support of IEEE Azerbaijan Joint Chapter and technically sponsored by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

The AICT2019 will offer oral, poster sessions, keynote speeches, tutorials and, professional meetings. Submitted papers are expected to cover state-of-the-art technologies, theoretical concepts, standards, products implementation, ongoing research projects as well as application issues of the ICT. In the previous AICT was joined by hundreds of participants from more than 50 countries including Australia, Azerbaijan, China, Finland, Georgia, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, etc.

AICT2019 Conference Scope:

AICT2019 topics include, but are not limited to, the following research and development areas/fields (more than 80 topics for more information visit Sessions / Topics):
  • Fuzzy Logic and Soft-Computing (Special Session)
  • Data Science and Advanced Analytics
  • Big Data Engineering
  • High Performance Computing and Machine Learning
  • Cyber Security Issues
  • Emerging Trends and Technologies in ICT Application
  • Communication, network and hardware
  • ICT in Business Administration, Governance, Finance and Economy
  • ICT in Education and Research
  • ICT in Medicine and Health Care
  • ICT in Fuel and Energy Industry

AICT2019 Conference Purpose:

The AICT2019 International Conference is a forum to bring together business people, researchers, scientists, software architects, and industry professionals to discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics on next generation of information technologies and services. Using this forum, researchers and practitioners can exchange issues, challenges, new business models and structures, and new technologies and solutions. The AICT2019 aims at attracting both researchers from academic and industrial institutions and practitioners from industry.

Researchers, practitioners and distinguished speakers are invited to submit a paper and/or to make proposals of original research speeches addressing business and technical issues, challenges, solutions, and technologies in building applications, complete solutions and ICT-based services. All papers/proposals will be peer-reviewed by the members of the international program committee.

AICT2019 Co-Organisers:        
AICT2019 Supporters:
Main Sponsor
Event Supporter
Media Partner
AICT2019 Endores by:        

AICT International Conference AICT International Conference AICT International Conference AICT International Conference